《中英對照讀新聞》UN chief : Danish cartoons offend Muslims 聯合國秘書長說︰丹麥漫畫冒犯穆斯林

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UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan made his strongest condemnation yet in the uproar over cartoons of Islam's holy prophet Mohammed, calling them "offensive and provocative."


Reacting to repeated publication of the Danish cartoons in several countries that sparked rioting by angry Muslims, Annan said that "freedom of speech is not a license (to offend)." "It entails exercise of responsibility and judgement," he said.


Annan has been holding talks with envoys from Islamic countries to try to defuse tensions stemming from the cartoons satirizing the prophet Muhammed, which Muslims around the world consider blasphemous.


About 20 newspapers have now published some or all of the 12 cartoons originally carried by a Danish daily in September. The UN, the European Union and the Organisation of Islamic Conference have criticized the publications while calling for respect of freedom of free speech.


The New York Times reported that 57 Muslim nations gathered in December in the Saudi city of Mecca and discussions over the cartoons dominated the meeting. Their closing statement raised the concern over "rising hatred against Islam and Muslims". Anger at the cartoons began to build up following the Mecca meeting, the Times said.



license to: 接原形動詞,意指做…的許可證、執照。例句︰We are applying for a license to sell wine.我們正在申請賣酒執照。

stem from: 起源於。例句︰ The loss stemmed from his recklessness.這個損失來自於他的魯莽輕率。

blasphemous: 褻瀆的。

build up: 增加。例句︰The pressure builds up.壓力增加。


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